Vibrant Pink Smoothie Bowl

Vibrant Pink Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie with a twist

Enjoy a colorful, healthy breakfast with a hint of chocolate. The vibrant pink smoothies bowl combines fresh red berries with banana, coconut cream and chocolate shavings for a glorious start to the day.


1 small beetroot (about 1 cup when cut)
1 cup of mixed frozen berries (raspberries & strawberries)
2 frozen bananas
Half a lemon (squeezed)
2 tbsp coconut cream
A choice of dark and white chocolate for garnish

Step 1)

In a food processor mix all the ingredients except for the coconut cream on high speed.

Step 2)

Add the coconut cream and process on low speed until fully mixed.

Step 3)

Add fresh fruits and granola to your bowl. Shave dark and/or white chocolate on top for a sweet finish.

Meet Lara Zaugg

As a full blown chocoholic and connoisseur, Lara Zuagg loves creating new desserts by experimenting in the kitchen. She shares her passion and creations on her popular blog Vanillacrunnch. With a clear focus on health her recipes are often gluten-free or vegan. Chocolate is a cornerstone in her baked and raw desserts where she often substitutes other conventional ingredients for healthier alternatives. We asked Lara to share three of her favourite recipes.

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  • Vegan Gluten-Free Banana Bread

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